NEW BOOK! Buddhism Illuminated: Manuscript Art from Southeast Asia

                      by San San May and Jana Igunma


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                 Digital collections of Thai and Tai manuscripts Online

                    Digital Library of Thai Manuscripts, British Library London

                    Lanna Manuscripts, EFEO Paris

                    Digital Library of Northern Thai Manuscripts
                    National Library of Laos / University of Pennsylvania

                    Digital Library of Lao Manuscripts, National Library of Laos

                    Digital Heritage Collections, Chiang Mai University

                    Palmleaf Manuscripts of Thailand, SEA Digital Library, Northern Illinois University

                    Manuscripts of Western Thailand
                    Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre Bangkok

                    Thai manuscsripts, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin

                    Senmai, Shan Buddhist manuscripts in the UK

                    Tai Ahom Manuscripts of Assam
                    Endangered Archives Programme, British Library London

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